Optimizing for Speed: Hyper Void for PS VR

This week started with an awesome event: MIGS2017, in which I had the opportunity to present to the tech crowd a talk under the umbrella of performance optimization for VR. The talk was joint between two PS VR games: White Moon Dreams' StarBlood Arena, and ours very Hyper Void. The goal was to provide to the audience a couple of takes on performance and its effects on game fluidity and comfort.

Unfortunately, I never recall MIGS posting video recordings of their sessions, which is a shame. I've been asked by several people to provide access to the presentation slides, so I've included them at the bottom of this blog post.

The slides are fully transcribed (I do this sometimes when the content size permits, to avoid embarrassments should a blackout in my mind occur), so you won't miss a lot from the actual talk except maybe for audience questions. The file is a bit large because it embeds a few videos (so crank up the volume). Also, the deck has one more slide which was skipped in the talk due to time limits. This is the slide just before the ending one, and it shows a few minutes of using our game editor to add and tweak space dust matter to one of the game's levels live amidst gameplay. You will see how the mesh instancer is used, and then is transformed to a Mega Particles field with additional post-processing. Finally, it also shows the contribution of screen-space lights on Mega Particles. All these techniques are part of the talk's slide deck.

I hope you find it useful and inspiring! The download link is just below:

HyperVoidPSVR_MIGS17.pptx (158.96 mb)
